The Little Things...
I think my brother would agree that some of the most
important things in life are the 'little things'. And some of the most
important things remembered in life are 'little things'. I think
everyone would also agree that we individually and collectively have a
competitive spirit; we all like to win, and most of us also avoid losing at
all cost; Dan wasn't any different, he also had a competitive spirit and
loved to WIN!
Through the years our family has had various traditions
one of which was to all (that could) spend a week together around Presidents
Day when the kids were on winter break from school, above Arnold, California
where we would ski and snowboard and play in the snow. One year we had the
pleasure of Dan's company. He was so excited. We all piled up in our
vehicles and headed for Bear Valley. As usual we had a wonderful cabin with
all of the comforts. And as usual we had fun playing pool or sledding or
throwing snow balls, but most important was our annual Canasta competition.
Did I mention Dan was competitive? Yeah he was. We would play partners and
he would really love winning a match. And he would really 'not' enjoy losing a
match! <grin>
So there we were, sitting around a beautiful oak table, Dan
and Roger partnered, Barb and Kent were the challengers (or do I have that
backward? mayhap Dan and Roger were the challengers). Anyway, something rare
happened during that Canasta-fest that we now fondly remember as the "'2000'
Tie Game!".
Did I mention Dan was competitive? The score was 5230 to
5230 points. Dan was convinced there was a mistake and scrutinized that
score sheet over and over. It was one of the funniest moments. That look on
Dan's face, feverishly looking for that mistake. It's the 'little things'...